Your health is our concern!

  • A patron cap of 150 per venue is in place, subject to a density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm. In large venues with occupancy permits of 600+, this cap is increased to 25% of the limit referred to in the occupancy permit (e.g. permission for 2000 on occupancy permit = cap of 500).
  • Clubs/Associations are required to track attendance. They are encouraged to implement a booking system to limit numbers.
  • Social distancing of 1.5m to be maintained between all individuals when not playing – display signs explaining patron limits.
  • Masks to be worn at all times when not playing (coughs or sneezes should be directed into your elbow).
  • People should not attend any venue if they are experiencing even mild symptoms.
  • Doubles play is permitted.
  • Limit attendance at different venues (i.e. movement between different clubs) – this is encouraged, but not mandatory.
  • Use of changing areas and toilets subject to density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm, and social distancing requirements.
  • Limit use of facility for pre or post event socializing – ‘Get In, Play, Get Out’ – this is encouraged, but not mandatory.
  • Food or beverage facilities subject to hospitality guidelines.
  • Use of hand sanitizer between games, provided upon entry, and throughout the venue. Tables, balls, scorecards, etc to be sanitized regularly.
  • No touching tables with hands.
  • No use of shared equipment or food (e.g. bats, towels, clothing, drinks bottles, snacks).
  • No handshakes (suggest bow or elbow bumps instead).
  • Venues to be subject to heightened cleaning levels, including use of disinfectant daily on all surfaces and maintenance of a basic cleaning record.